Ethical Norms of Brazilian Naturism
The FBrN - Brazilian Federation of Naturism, as a means of guaranteeing an ethical standard of behavior among its affiliated areas, edits the following Ethical Norms approved in the Extraordinary General Assembly, on December 07, 1996 at Sitio Ibatiporã, in Porto Feliz - São Paulo :
The conduct listed below, with a degree of intensity examined by the Deliberative Councils of the Clubs, in the first instance, and by the FBrN Major Council, in the second and last instance, are reasons for the expulsion of their agents from the social frameworks and the naturist areas governed by the entities. affiliated to FBrN.
01. Have sexually ostensible behavior and/or perform acts of a sexual or obscene nature in public areas;
02. Practicing physical violence as a means of aggression towards others;
03. Use fraudulent means to obtain advantages for yourself or for third parties;
04. Possess or use illegal toxic drugs;
05. Cause damage to the public image of Naturism or naturist areas.
The conducts listed below, with a degree of intensity and recidivism examined by the Boards in the manner referred to in Item 1, constitute grounds for warnings, suspension and expulsion of its agents from the social frameworks and areas governed by the entities affiliated to FBrN.
01. Contribute to discord through inappropriate proposals with a sexual connotation;
02. Photographing, recording or filming other naturists, without their permission;
03. Use sound equipment at a volume that may interfere with the tranquility of others, and/or disrespect the regulated silence hours;
04. Cause embarrassment by practicing inappropriate attitudes;
05. Behaving in a disrespectful or permanent discriminatory way towards other naturists or visitors;
06. Leave garbage in inappropriate places;
07. Cause damage to flora and fauna, or to the image of Naturism;
08. Satisfying physiological needs in inappropriate areas, or overindulging in alcoholic beverages, causing embarrassment to other naturists;
09. Use seats in common use without proper hygienic protection;
10. Show up dressed in exclusive places and times of nudism, being tolerated to women the top less, during the menstrual period.
The present NENB – Ethical Norms of Brazilian Naturism – must be posted in public and visible places, in addition to being distributed and disseminated among naturists and visitors to the naturist practice areas affiliated to the FBrN.
Internal Regulations of the Ethics Council
(Approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the XVI CONGRENAT, on 02/02/2019, in Colina do Sol, Taquara, RS)
1.1 The whistleblower must formalize the complaint by sending an e-mail to the Ethics Council (etica@fbrn.org.br), but preferably by filling out topics I and II of the form “Denunciation Model Council Ethics.dotm” available below.
1.2 The whistleblower must identify himself, necessarily, to the Ethics Council, but optionally to the whistleblower. Thus, when making the complaint, he must choose the option of being or not identified by the accused in topic I of that form.
1.3 Choosing the “non-anonymous” option, only the name will be explained in the process, all other personal data such as telephone, email, etc. will be omitted. In the “anonymous” option, all data will be omitted, including the name of the complainant.
1.4 The Ethics Counselors, upon receiving the complaint, carry out a joint analysis to decide on its admissibility and fill in item III of the aforementioned form.
2.1. If the complaint is valid, the Ethics Counselors choose from among themselves who will be the reporting officer;
2.2. inform the President, Vice-President, Secretary and the General Council of the FBrN by e-mail regarding the reception of the complaint, attaching the complaint in PDF.
2.3. The rapporteur sends an e-mail to the accused via e-mail (etica@fbrn.org.br), with confirmation of receipt and reading), attaching two files: the complaint in PDF so that he becomes aware and the content be protected from alterations, and the file “Defense Model of the Defendant.dotm”, in order for him to write his defense.
Important: the complaint must contain only the name of the complainant (if not anonymous) or not the name (if anonymous), but under no circumstances should other personal data of the complainant be informed. Therefore, it will be necessary to make a copy of the original form, deleting this data before sending it to the information of the accused.
2.4. In the body of the e-mail, the accused must be informed that he will have a period of 15 to 30 days for his clarifications, being able to present material and/or testimonial evidence as an object of defense, importing his silence in absentia and confession in relation to the complaint to he imputed. Thus, the constitutional rights of ample defense and contradictory are met.
2.5. Once the defense is received, the counselors must judge the case. To do so, they must analyze it in all its aspects, including non-compliance with the Statute, Code of Ethics and Resolutions in force, and reach a verdict.
2.6. The reporting counselor formalizes the decision of the collegiate in the form “Modelo Final Opinion Denunciation Council of Ethics.dotm”.
2.7. Once the wording of the final opinion has been approved by the other directors, the rapporteur must immediately:
a) Inform the parties involved about the Ethics Council's decision, sending each one by email only the file with the Council's opinion in PDF. Ratify in the email that the parties will have a period of 30 days from the notification to appeal to the FBrN Major Council if they do not agree with the decision of the Ethics Council.
b) Forwards by e-mail the entire process in PDF (denunciation, defense and final opinion of the Ethics Council) to the President, Vice, Secretary and Major Council of FBrN.
2.8. The FBrN secretary must take two steps:
a) File the entire process;
b) Notify, by email, all affiliated naturist entities, in order to comply with the Council's decision. To do so, you must fill in the form “Restriction.doc”.
3.1 If unfounded, the Ethics Counselors formalize the decision of the collegiate body, electing from among them who will be the reporter of the complaint, who will be responsible for writing the final opinion (item III of the form “Model Final Opinion Complaint Council Ethics.dotm”).
3.2 Once the conclusive opinion written by the reporting member is ready, the other members analyze, amend (if necessary) and approve.
3.3 After completing the analysis and final opinion phase, the Reporting Director takes two steps:
a) Informs the complainant by e-mail about the non-acceptance of the complaint, sending the final opinion of the Ethics Council in PDF attached. Informing him that he will have a period of 30 days from the notification to appeal to the FBrN Major Council.
b) Forwards by e-mail both the complaint and the final opinion, in PDF, to the President, Vice, Secretary and Major Council of FBrN.
4.1 As stated, both the complainant and the accused have the right to appeal to the General Council for a decision of the Ethics Council, within a period of up to 30 days from the receipt of the notification.
4.2 The appeal can be formalized by e-mail sent to the General Council (conselhomaior@fbrn.org.br), but preferably by filling out the form “Modelo Recurso Ethics Ethics Council Maior.dotm” available on the Federation website.
4.3 The members of the Senior Counsel elect among themselves the rapporteur of the process, who will have 30 working days to formalize the opinion, which must be written in the form “Model Final Opinion Appeal Board of Directors.dotm”. To this end, the following steps will be necessary:
a) Inform by email to the Ethics Council, the presidency, vice presidency, and the secretary of the FBrN of the receipt of the appeal, attaching in PDF the appeal filed;
b) Schedule a meeting with the Ethics Council to learn about the process;
c) Schedule a meeting with the other members of the Major Council to give a final opinion on the appeal filed;
d) Communicate to all those involved by e-mail about the decision taken by the Higher Council in relation to the appeal, that is, whether or not to maintain the decision of the Ethics Council. For this purpose, both the appeal and the final opinion of the General Council, in PDF, must be attached to the e-mail.
e) Send the entire process – appeal + final opinion of the General Council, in PDF, to the FBrN secretariat for filing and other necessary measures.
5.1 The Reporting Councilor must inform by email to all those involved (complainant, presidency, vice presidency, Major Council of the accused region, and FBrN secretariat, the process in each new phase of the process until its conclusion).
5.2 All processing of messages about the complaint and the process will be done with the affixing of the term CONFIDENTIAL – for the restricted knowledge of the recipients.
5.3 The Ethics Counselor, in the process in which he is as rapporteur, will be responsible for complying with all the steps of these internal regulations.
5.4 The FBrN secretariat must send an email to all affiliated naturist entities, at least once a year, but, necessarily, whenever there are new occurrences, informing the list of people and the respective reasons why they are restricted to attend. and participate in naturist events. To do so, you must use the form “restriction.doc” that must be sent in the PDF extension in order to avoid changes to it.
For a better understanding of the various stages of this internal regulation, two flowcharts were prepared: flowchart of the complaint process and appeal in the Higher Council, respectively, which are part of this document.
The flowcharts and models of standard requirements mentioned here can be accessed directly on the website of the Brazilian Federation of Naturism, using the button below:
Source: Brazilian Federation of Naturism (https://www.fbrn.org.br/)